ICG/PTWS Scientific meeting of experts in Port Vila, Vanuatu

We are excited to share insights from the ICG/PTWS Scientific meeting of experts in Port Vila, Vanuatu!

The region from Papua New Guinea to Vanuatu is one if not the most complicated tectonic region of the world, with a number of “high speed” (10-15 cm/year) tectonic plates colliding producing megathrust subduction zones, all giving rise to high earthquake and tsunami risk. The #goal of the workshop is to quantify seismic risk as an input to tsunami inundation models.

On the first day a number of overview talks were given on the state of knowledge of the seismicity, tsunami history, tsunami modeling, and connections to the #TAMTAM SMART cable, to be deployed in 2026. The latter included expected benefits for Vanuatu, New Caledonia, and the region for early warning as well as catalyzing advanced education at the National University of Vanuatu.

Read the full LinkedIn post here.


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